Optimizing your Minecraft server performance: Minecraft Forge



Most Minecraft servers with mods use Forge. Unlike servers that use Paper, Purpur, and Spigot, Forge does not have performance optimizations. Therefore, we recommend using some mods to optimize your server's performance.

Mods to optimize performance on your Minecraft host
RandomPatches ( Server only - 1.8.9 to 1.16.5) - Makes bug fixes and quality of life improvements to Minecraft, and also allows you to tweak some settings.

Foam”‹Fix ( Server only - 1.7.10 to 1.14.4) - Helps reduce RAM usage and improves server TPS (Ticks Per Second).

Performant ( Server only - 1.12.2 to 1.16.5) - Used to improve entity AI, avoid timeouts, and more. A paid version is available for newer versions.

AI Improvements ( Server Only - 1.8.9 to 1.19.4) - Addresses common issues such as overcrowding, performance drops caused by zombie swarms, etc.

Phosphor ( Server only - 1.12.2 to 1.15.2) - Optimizes the server lighting engine.

FastFurnace ( Server only - 1.12.2 to 1.19.2) - Optimizes the operation of the furnace, blast furnace and smoker. (Does not change the speed of operation. Optimizes the way it works)

FastWorkbench ( Server + Client - 1.15.2 to 1.19.2) - Improves performance when creating items. Fixes crafting freezes and more.

FerriteCore ( Server + Client - 1.16.5 to 1.19.4) - Reduces RAM usage in several ways.

Connectivity ( Server only - 1.17.1 to 1.19.3) - Resolves connection issues.

Mods marked as "Server Only" must be installed on the server only, while mods marked as "Server + Client" must be installed on both the server and the client of all players on the server.

Pre-generating your Minecraft server world

You can use a mod that will generate all the elements within a perimeter in advance, before players even start exploring. This means that when players explore the chosen area, the game will already have all the necessary information and will not need to spend resources generating new elements. To do this, learn how to configure the World Pre Generator in the article:

How to pre-generate world on minecraft server using World Pre Generator